Return Home to Self
A chrysalis container
for the rebirth of the feminine through the Return Home to Self.
- Registration Closed -
Willow-Ray Healing is excited to welcome you to their first opening of the Return Home to Self Retreat series. ​
Jess, founder of Willow-Ray Healing, has been working with individuals one-on-one for several years as a Shamanic Guide, guiding them to their remembering of Self.
The Return Home to Self is the journey of unearthing and recognizing our coping mechanisms, patterns, and programmings to then offer healing and clearing for these layers to continue to peel back revealing closer and closer your true essence of Self.
This is the journey of self awareness, healing traumas and woundings, and reintroducing an embodied more empowered version of Self with a sense of safety towards authentic expression, which results in receiving a life of joy, peace, and fulfillment. ​​​​
For women, the journey to Self can be muddled with the confusion of what it means to be a woman.
The Return Home to Self is a feeling of true belonging within Self. It's the feeling of safety, ease, and fulfillment in your body, trusting of Self, learning how to listen to your emotions, body, and intuition; embodiment. It's the feeling of being kind to yourself, knowing and speaking your needs, and having healthy boundaries; discernment. We are going to access this through the lens of the feminine and the four feminine archetypes, by clearing our feminine and inner child wounding and reconnecting to our inner Wild Woman archetype.
The Return Home to Self is a reconnecting to the true essence of you with joy, ease, and love. To live a fulfilled life.
It truly is a discovery of your own rhythm, and that demands a deep journey within to know the vast ocean of what it means to be a woman.
Since the feminine has been burried and lost in West, collectively and individually we are just beginning to relearn what it means to be a woman in her feminine. Our teachings as a society come from a masculine lense, and as women that can leave us feeling confused. How do you learn the depths of your emotions and how to be with them to listen to their wisdom if we as women experience them differently, and they've been deeemed as wrong or invalid for so long? We have been labeled as "witch" or diagnosed with "hysteria" because we feel things differently, with more intensity, including our intuition.​​​​
In this weekend reatreat, we will begin in the "Wild Woman" archetype.
Each of us women have 4 inner seasons each embodied as an archetype.
We experience these through our moon cycle, our menstrual cycle, yearly cycle, and in a life-time. The Maiden, Mother, Wild Woman, and Crone.
We are beginning in the Wild Woman phase, the season of fall, because it's an incredibly supportive time of year to shed our layers. In order to reclaim parts of our Self we must make space first by going in and clearing the old narratives, to then invoke our inner Wild Woman.
She is the Queen of her Queendom, and embodies the unapologetic gate keeper of Self with strong healthy boundaries and a sense of Self, and you will get to know this version of you this weekend. Connecting with this archetype creates a healthy foundation and will allow you to feel safe and protected by this version of you while you integrate and continue your journey of Returning Home to Self.
The first night we will begin with a welcoming dinner, heart opening game to connect with the women, and have an opening circle at night to set intentions as a group, and create the container.
The first Day, is about getting to know your inner feminine through a conversations and workshop around what it means to be a woman, feminine wounding, and generational wounding. You will also explore your inner feminine and inner masculine archetypes, and access inner child healing through a group Shamanic Journey.
This is a powerful way to truly discovery your inner feminine and what this looks like uniquely for you.
There will be lunch, solo time, and finishing the evening with a beautiful Samhain Dinner and Ceremony.
As we are on the journey of Return Home to Self, embodiment, discernment, and knowing & speaking your needs are key to feeling that belonging and confidence with Self.
So this day is designed for you to learn and practice embodiment, discernment, and boundaries through playful practices and workshops. You will be guided through your unique inner 4 feminine archetypes through a Shamanic Journey, therapeutic art to access more clearing and revealing through the body, and we'll complete the day with a Celebratory Cacao Ceremony and Sacred Dance and an opportunity to let your inner Wild Woman be seen with love and celebration.
A chrysalis is a transitional state that is known to happen in the cacoon for a butterfly or moth in their transformation from catepillar to butterfly. There is a safe, sacredness to this space, and the transformation that happens in this state is life changing. It's where all of what we know to be dismantles and the rebuilding of a more free version of Self can emerge. The sacred container of this weekend is intentionally designed to create this level of safety through ceremony and ritual, connection and vulnerability, protection and love, and making sure you feel held and taken care of phsically so you are able to soften and let go.
We will be nestled in next to the Ontario mountains of Collingwood in this gorgeous, earthy, cozy, Chalet. Where all of your needs will be provided like chef cooked vegan meals, comforts of your own bed, the beautiful surroundings of autumn leaves, a relaxing hot tub for your down time, and more!
Jessica Short, founder of Willow-Ray Healing, has been working with individuals one-on-one for several years as a Shamanic Guide, guiding them to their remembering of Self.
​The foundation of her work is to guide people to accessing stored emotions in the body relating to trauma, old wounds, conditionings, and unprocessed emotions. Her main objective is to guide the client into their own inner knowing to help strengthen their own ability to listen to the language of the body. This builds the tools to navigate self regulation and healthy practices to identify and manage emotions. Ultimately, leading you to a grounded, centred, peaceful place in life, and a deeper awareness on how to show up for yourself and others with love. She also has been a facilitator for over 8 years, currently facilitating monthly events, primarily for women, to cultivate community, growth, and deep connection.
To learn more about her work or events, follow Jess on instagram @willowrayhealing.​
Inner Child Healing Shamanic Journey
Workshop on feminine wounding
Education on four feminine archetypes
Map of feminine cyclical living
Inner Feminine Archetypes Shamanic Journey
Samhain Dinner and Ceremony
Tools for embodiment, discernment, and boundaries
Cacao Ceremony and Sacred Dance
Therapeutic Art Session facilitated by Katie Ewald
Restorative Yoga facilitated by Alicia Giannetti
Chef cooked vegan meals
Transformative getaway with like-minded women
Restorative weekend in Colingwood
A free integration 1 hour sesssion with me
need inner child healing
feel you are healing generational wounding
have troubles with your emotions
want to know yourself more
don't know how to speak your needs
struggle with boundaries
feel stuck in your growth
are ready to embody a more powerful version of you
lack a sense of belonging
are curious about embodiment
want to learn about the cyclical nature of a woman
Want to become more embodied in your feminine
The Return Home to Self Retreat is valued at $1700 and is offered to you for $1200 incl tax.
(pamynet plans are available)
There is also a bring a friend discount, offering you 10% off for every woman you bring, and a 10% discount for her as well.​